The Color Code for Moms

January 03, 2023
The Color Code for Moms

Do the moms need to match the wedding colors?

We prefer complement to match. Meaning, if the bridesmaids are in hot pink, Mom could go for something more muted, or possibly patterned, or even a metallic gray. Be thoughtful about not sucking all the attention in the group photos, but you are the mom, and we believe you should get more leeway than bridesmaids. Now, if the bride or groom is more...exacting, we point you to exhibit A: the wedding of Anna and Pat, who told their moms to go for the color that suited them best. Too far? Look at Lisa. Her daughter's bridesmaids wore muted shades of blue and green while she chose a more vibrant shade of purple that allowed her special moment without overwhelming the wedding party's overall look.

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